why TAVA?


not plastic, made from Cassava.

Cassava is a starchy root vegetable commonly grown in Indonesia.

Cassava can grow in poor soil and its roots can be harvested within 6 months of planting, with its stalk replanted to grow again. It’s from these roots that we extract the primary ingredient for TAVA products - starch, commonly known as Tapioca. We then strengthen these with polymers, to ensure the durability of our products.

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no trace, fully biodegrades in nature.

TAVA bags and straws can decompose fully within 12 months, without leaving behind harmful microplastics.

Microbes in natural environments like soil break down the bioplastic material of our bags into water, carbon dioxide, and biomass. The more microbes in the environment, the quicker the bags break down. The technology behind TAVA products is certified - Din Certo ASTM 6866 Bio Based Certificate and ASTM G21-13 verify its ability to fully degrade as a bio-based material.

no inconvenience, retains utility.

Durable. Waterproof. Reusable. Affordable.

TAVA bags behave exactly like plastic bags, so your customers won’t have to make any drastic changes to their habits or lifestyles. We price our products competitively, to ensure that they’re both environmentally and financially sustainable for your business.

no nasty stuff, it’s food-safe!

We don’t put any toxic chemicals or materials into TAVA bags and straws. You can package produce, pastries, or anything else you might need.

We’ve got the necessary food-safe certification (FDA America & Japan Standards, Food Safety & Migration Test BPOM), even in the event of accidental consumption by animals (IN-VIVO Tests).


no exploitation, supporting farmers one bag at a time.

We’re committed to fair trade and ethical practice.

Our raw materials are obtained from Indonesian farmer cooperatives at a premium, above market price, so that our cassava farmers can be compensated fairly for the work that they put in. Our Fair for Life Certification from IMO Switzerland provides the framework by which we support those involved along each step of our supply chain.


no hidden costs, no extra charges, nothing.

we offer competitive and affordable rates to help you help your business and the world around you. have a look at what we offer and get in touch with us, or check out some frequently-asked questions about our service.